Tag: prizes

BINGO is experiencing and full-blown renaissance...and ...

Exciting stuff coming up at this prime Dubai location.

Celebrate the King of Fruits at Indulgent Mango Festiva...

This prized seasonal fruit is the subject of carnivals and celebrations in the M...

Celebrate International Yoga Day at Novotel World Trade...

Avail of free yoga sessions, big prizes and exclusive discounts.

Join in on Marking Hampstead Bakery and Cafe's Third Bi...

Downtown's beloved award-winning Bakery and Cafe, known for serving the world's ...

Celebrate ‘Life Unboxed’ with Kibsons

Sharing life's family moments, you are invited to ‘see inside’ Kibsons iconic bl...

Get in the Groove Lucky Voice Got Talent

Over the next 5 weeks, warm up those vocal cords, get working on your showmanshi...