Emirati Rover Traverses Europe in a Mobile Home

The tireless traveler-cum-youtuber from the UAE is well on his way to setting a record of sorts.

Jun 7, 2024 - 17:03
Emirati Rover Traverses Europe in a Mobile Home

Meet Emirati Mohammed Al Kaabi who has ventured across 21 European countries over the past 9 months. His mode of transport: a 2002 Dodge van which has redesigned to offer all the services of a home, while he crosses border after border. Indeed, this intrepid adventurer spent about 15,000 USD to properly equip the camper for the long journey over diverse terrain and climate. Al Kaabi’s prized vehicle, which he has christened “Rudy”, boasts a kitchen, dining area, computer desk, bed, bathroom, a solar power system, an emergency battery unit, a bicycle and other items. 

Apparently stung by the wanderlust syndrome, the young man also shares his travels on Youtube. Thus far, he has uploaded around 1,000 videos with a faithful subscriber base of 2.15 million. Further testament to the popularity of this man’s unusual journey is the fact that he has so far garnered over 356 million views on his channel. “Happiness”, the prolific driver asserts, comes from “experiences” and “freedom” as opposed to amassing “material possessions”.

However, the challenges on the road have been considerable, Al Kaabi admits. With a cringing smile, he recounts how he drove up an icy, meandering slope in Turkey only to run into a “Closed” sign. Unable to manoeuvre the van around, he had to ditch it and reach the nearest town on foot. Al Kaabi adds that there are also frequent difficulties due to the inaccessibility of electricity and water. Yet, he adds that this kind of lifestyle has rendered him with “survival skills” and “adapting to various conditions”. It follows that not surprisingly, Al Kaabi’s nickname is “Skills”.  

With quite a bit of the continent yet to cover, Al Kaabi has quite a long way to go. But this passionate rover seems more than equal to the task, aiming to eventually return to the UAE. Once back home, this loyal only child to a loving Emirati mother, plans to spend time with her while starting up an e-commerce business. On the side, Al Kaabi, could deliver presentations of his epic tour. Perhaps, he could even start a consultancy service for others who want to follow in his... tracks.