Tag: research

Al Jalila Foundation Celebrates 10 years of Providing H...

The #PINKtober campaign has raised over AED 15 million to support breast cancer ...

Dubai Humanitarian and University of Birmingham Dubai F...

The coming together of two great forces for th betterment of mankind.

September sets new all-time record for Dubai real estat...

• Residential sales make up 95% of transactions. • Off-plan and under construct...

Dubai delivered over 2,700 new hotel rooms in H1 2024, ...

Hospitality sector market report shows occupancy and ADR highest in six years.

Home-schooled Dubai Sisters Dazzle in Top U.S. Univs

Three sisters are living proof that home-schooling is a valid alternative to tra...

The World’s Largest Run for Those Who Can’t

Spinal Cord cure research gets a shot in the arm by people using their legs.

Hong Kong Higher Education Delegation to Visit UAE to C...

The President-led delegation from the prestigious Hong Kong University of Scienc...