Indrani Mukerjea to be Cleared of Daughter’s Murder?

A strange new development might get the former media executive off the hook.

Jun 15, 2024 - 17:43
Indrani Mukerjea to be Cleared of Daughter’s Murder?

In a bizarre twist to the 9-year-old case of the INX Media co-founder Indrani Mukerjea’s allegedly killing her 25-year-old daughter Sheena Bora, crucial evidence seems to have vanished. So called recovered bones of the deceased young lady have been deemed “untraceable” according to a statement by the accused’s lawyer Ranjeet Sangle. 

Sangle added that the prosecution has informed the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) of the development. According to Special Public Prosecutor - C J Nandode - extensive searches at Mumbai’s JJ Hospital, where the evidence had been deposited, have been in vain. With no valid mortal remains available, the case against Indrani becomes tenuous and it is possible that she could be cleared of the filicide charge.   

Back in August 2015, soon after the alleged murder, forensics authority Dr. Zeba Khan examined the Sheena’s “remains”, confirming that it was indeed those of a human body. But now, it seems that with no trace of the same, Dr. Khan’s testimony holds no water. The accused will most likely be holding her breath for the next hearing that is scheduled for June 27th. Soon after the murder complaint was lodged and court proceedings unfolded, Indrani was arrested and imprisoned at the Mumbai’s Byculla Jail. In May, 2022, the Supreme Court granted her bail. Now, it seems that that status might morph to complete acquittal. 

The sensational case drew much public attention, effectively ruining Indrani’s reputation. This in turn severely impacted her career in HR consultancy and media production. The alleged murderer has insisted on her innocence and that her daughter was not killed. However, law enforcers built a robust case alleging Sheena’s abduction, strangulation and attempt to burn the body. The cops backed up their claims with the retrieval of mobile phone communication between Indrani and her then husband Peter Mukerjea. With the latest development, it looks like the Netflix series ‘Buried Truth’ is in for a whole new season… and perhaps with Indrani as a consultant.