#MenToo A story that will leave you shattered because it happens all too often
Atul Subhash - search for this name and you will find the story of this young Bengaluru techie, who is a victim of the corrupt and totally unjust justice system of family courts in our country that always sides with the woman and exploits the men who approach them for a fair hearing.

Atul Subhash - search for this name and you will find the story of this young Bengaluru techie, who is a victim of the corrupt and totally unjust justice system of family courts in our country that always sides with the woman and exploits the men who approach them for a fair hearing. Just like it happens in films,
Atul penned down his anguish on paper jotting down every unfair tactic that was used to rob him of his own money, assets, dignity and the proximity to his own child by his wife and the judiciary too in this case, before taking away his own life just so he could prove his point and stop the exploitation at source.
Watch his heartbreaking video minutes before he killed himself
I don’t know the story to the other party but Atul was clearly the victim here, who had to take the drastic step of taking his own life to end the torture for himself and his his parents and brother.
He left behind a 24-page suicide note, a video and a heartfelt letter to his minor son - all enlisting not just the injustice meted out to him, but clearly spelling out how our country’s justice system destroys lives of people especially men who reach out to them for a fair domestic resolution and settlement that is supposed to be sustainable and just for both parties but almost always ends up being a windfall gain for the woman, who walks away with the child, money, assets and the dignity of her once beloved partner.