Rains and Dust Heading UAE’s Way
Strange break in current weather phenomena across the Gulf country.

UAE residents getting flustered with the brutal heat across the country? Well, there is some respite imminent and ongoing with the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) announcing rains in several regions. What’s more, the temperature in places like Abu Dhabi and Dubai might actually range from the big 40s to the small 20s degree celcius. How’s that for momentary relief!
However, the precipitating moisture is expected to bring a staggering 80 per cent humidity with it - at the northwest coast. So don’t expect to cool off as much as you perspire and head for air-conditioned interiors and that refreshing drink. Or better still, set out for the cooler mountains. Grey skies are going to take over from sunny ones. And worse still, dust brought on by north-westerly winds, might be heading your way. So you best keep those shades on.
Sailing aficionados can expect to enjoy pleasant jaunts in the sea of the Arabia Gulf thanks to moderate winds and the waves that they propel. However, the accompanying airbourne sands may lessen visibility considerably – both on land and water. Still, the weather till Thursday, August 8th is forecast to be more bearable than threatening. The NCM is keeping a close watch on the somewhat vigorous Inter Tropical Convergence Zone and will keep UAE residents posted as to what it is up to.