Life Terms, Hefty Fines as UAE Cracks Down on Terror Groups

Several accused find themselves behind bars and having to dig deep in their pockets.

Jul 11, 2024 - 17:57
Life Terms, Hefty Fines as UAE Cracks Down on Terror Groups

The crime of terror doesn’t pay, it attracts hefty judicial penalties. That is the message being sent out - loud and clear - by the courts in the UAE as they come down hard on local terror groups. A series of recent judgements have demonstrated that Justice in this Middle Eastern country wears a secular face. In a landmark ruling, 53 members of the Muslim Brotherhood terror organisation (alias Reform Call Organisation) where convicted and sentenced to 10 to 15 years in jail and/or fines up to AED 20 million. 

The Abu Dhabi Federal Court of Appeals, which passed the judgment, also took punitive action against the accused in a Justice and Dignity Organisation case. 43 of these defendants were slapped with life terms for founding and managing the group. They were also found guilty of posting anti-state articles and messages on social media. Plus, the court brought to book six companies affiliated to the organisation. These entities are to be closed down and their assets confiscated due to extensive money-laundering, the proceeds of which funded the terror group.

The recent development has signified a triumph of justice - as the system ensured all the accused persons got adequate representation and a fair trial. The terrorists under scrutiny were convicted of attempting to replicate fear-proliferation and destabilising activities common in other Arab countries. These included damage to property, attacks on innocent persons and clashes with security forces. 

It was incumbent on the public prosecution to provide incriminating evidence. This it did, in the form of investigations and confessions extracted from the accused. Meanwhile, testimonies from concerned officials and consultations from technical experts also featured in the elaborate court procedural, which panned out in over 10 long sessions. So much so, that 25 defendants were absolved of their alleged crimes. Regardless, wannabe terrorists had better watch out. You can’t dodge UAE’s long and strong Arm of the Law.