Beware UAE Phone Scammers, We Have Got Your Number!

A trio of cyber-related service professionals share their advice on detecting foul play on your mobile.

Jul 19, 2024 - 16:13
Beware UAE Phone Scammers, We Have Got Your Number!

Scammers are getting shrewder on the phone with the sophisticated use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Indeed, these tricksters can now use your own voice against you. Yes, they can engage you in conversation, record your voice in the process, and use it to conduct a scam in the future. Also, known as Audio Deefake, this technology has proved tremendously successful. Just ask a U.K engineering company in Hong Kong that was diddled out of 200 million HKD in May this year.

So, when should a potential victim become suspicious of a fraudulent call? If a ring from an unknown number requests you to answer queries with “yes” or “no”, that’s when you should worry. Mere one-word responses in the affirmative or negative could be picked up by a chatbot and used to generate voice-recognition payments. This warning comes from Irene Corpuz, a board member at Women in Cybersecurity Middle East. Ms. Corpuz adds that the scammers could mention the first few digits of your Emirate ID number to have you unsuspectingly oblige with the rest.

Plus, AI deployment company CEO JD Ackley, says that unsolicited calls that ask inquisitive questions about you or your habits should also be considered a red flag. These may con you by mentioning a general idea of your demographic and extracting more dicey information accordingly. Ackley suggests that in such a scenario, it is best to demand why such questions are being asked and to insist on a call back number. He adds that one should also be wary of requests for payments on the phone because no legitimate business would do this.

Also, beware of calls that you receive during general downtime or non-business hours, cautions Barney Alamazar, who is a director at Gulf Law. People are more relaxed during commutes or at supper time, he explains, and hence are more vulnerable to fall into the fraudster’s trap. Almazar adds however, that authorities such as he are working hard at keeping Audio Deepfake scammers at bay and countering their various strategies. Also, under UAE cybercrime law, such pernicious operations will be met with imprisonment, fines and deportation. Take heed all your tricksters out there! The Law is hot on your trail. Get off this wrong line when you can.