A Review of ‘Alpha 27’: A fair interplanetary love story

Political circumstances in outer space threaten to tear apart a loving couple on Earth.

Aug 28, 2024 - 12:11
A Review of ‘Alpha 27’: A fair interplanetary love story

‘Alpha 27’: A fair interplanetary love story

Cast: Jake I. Garcia, Kadan Well Bennett, Alyson Merki, Ryon Thomas, Albert Lew, Lara Kempbell, Seren Lee, Michael Sullivan, Jovan Taylor

Critic’s Rating: 3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars

Director: Nick Azzaro

Duration: 12 minutes

Genre: Sci-fi, Romance

Language: English

Release: 2024

What’s it about?

Political circumstances in outer space threaten to tear apart a loving couple on Earth.


Viewers are in for an unusual blend of futuristic interplanetary colonisation and love caught up in conflict. Will companionship and togetherness survive the threat of political and militaristic tensions? That is essentially the premise of this ambitious but intermittently effective Short. It is a story of star-crossed lovers that resonates through the Ages - right from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet - to the present global reality of disturbing immigration issues.

The film opens with a montage of Marcus Johnson (Kadan Well Bennett) and his lover Diego Garcia (Jake I. Garcia) displaying much mutual affection. But this flourishing relationship is disturbed by some frightening news. The duo’s worst fears are realised by reports on television which threaten their chances of remaining together as a joyous couple. In an attempt to circumvent the dire situation, Marcus despairingly turns to an advocate - Ted McNair. Will this litigant be able to pull a few strings and come to the aid of the distraught pair? Marcus is willing to bear whatever the cost, but can McNair be trusted?

Using a non-linear narrative, writer-director Nick Azzaro alternates scenes of Marcus and Diego at the former’s home and those where Diego interacts with administrative officials. This approach keeps the audience engaged and curious enough to wonder whether we are heading for a tragedy or a happy denouement. Will unfortunate circumstances continue to unfold or will committed love prevail? And will dystopia interject while Marcus and Diego experience utopia in each other’s arms?

This Short is stylishly made with impressive production design and special effects, which convincingly transport the audience to its fictional universe. However, while the general theme is relatable, the story doesn’t take too many turns or throw up any real surprises. Still, it is clear that the lead actors and supporting cast try hard to deliver credible performances. Plus, Azzaro is proficient as Director of Photography, dishing out some good camera-work, which is complemented by appropriately sombre cinematic music. If Sci-Fi and Romance is your cup of tea, then Alpha 27 makes for a pretty good stimulant.  

Ronak Kotecha Senior Journalist and seasoned content creator with 18-years-experience at channels like Times Now, NewsX, Zoom and Radio City. Now, Rotten Tomatoes accredited global critic for the Times of India and BBC India Correspondent in Dubai. Talk show host at Talk100.3, listen in weekdays at 11 am on talk1003.ae