Indian Woman in Dubai Wins $1 Million, But is Unreachable!

Three Indians take home big prizes from the periodical Dubai Duty Free raffle.

Jul 24, 2024 - 20:14
Indian Woman in Dubai Wins $1 Million, But is Unreachable!

How does it feel to hit the jackpot and not even know it! That’s a Million Dollar Question that ought to be put to Vidhi Gurnani. This Indian expat and long-time resident of Dubai has come into quite some wealth: 36,73,000 Arab Emirate Dirhams, to be exact. So, how did the lucky lady join the Millionaire’s Club? By the luck of the draw, quite literally. Mz. Vidhi was picked in the Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire draw. Her ticket # 4760 turned out to be the lucky number in the Series 468 category. 

But here’s the clincher: the winner is nowhere to be found… being deemed "uncontactable" at the moment! One would think that good news of this magnitude would reach the beneficiary fast. One also wonders if the prosperous woman has an inkling of the fortune she has come into, and if not, what her reaction will be when she is enlightened of the news. And while amid this number’s game, it is only fitting to mention that Vidhi is the 233rd Indian citizen to win at Millennium Millionaire. Though gambling is generally frowned upon, it looks like it pays to invest in this Draw. 

One wonders though if Mz. Gurnani is really one of those persons who really needs the money! After all, the simultaneous bagger of the $1 Million cheque from the same draw is an Emirati real estate developer – Saeed Mohamad Yousuf – who has been buying the draw’s tickets for the last 5 years. However, as the old adage goes, “You can never have too much money”.

In more good news for the Indian expat community, 48-year-old Magesh Prabhakaran is in for a smooth ride. Indeed, this Dubai resident gets to drive home a luxury BMW S 1000 R (Bluestone Metallic). This, after the gentleman won one of four picks in the Finest Surprise Series 589. The other winners of top-of-the-line vehicles were another middle-aged Indian Hameed Ammacheetuvalappil; 25-year-old Emirati Aseilah Saeed Saif Al Kaabi; and American national Binyam Tamene. It looks like Dubai is the place for winning a space in the fast lane.